Enable PXE boot on Intel NIC under RHEL

最近遇到一個奇怪的問題:在 BIOS 中的 Boot order 中, 沒有網卡開機的選項, 甚至是找不到網卡; 但是進入到 OS 之後,網卡就出現了並且能正常運作。


Item Value/Settings
NIC Intel xv520


從 Intel 官網中, 下載 BootUtil:

然後上傳至 RHEL 中並解壓縮:

安裝 Kernel Source:

sudo yum install kernel-devel

執行 ./bootutil64e 可以先列出當前的網卡狀態:

Port Network Address Location Series  WOL Flash Firmware                Version
==== =============== ======== ======= === ============================= =======
  1   90E2BAB1EF88   218:00.0 10GbE   N/A FLASH Disabled
  2   90E2BAB1EF89   218:00.1 10GbE   N/A FLASH Disabled
  3   90E2BAB1F154    28:00.0 10GbE   N/A FLASH Disabled
  4   90E2BAB1F155    28:00.1 10GbE   N/A FLASH Disabled

在上述例子中, NIC 的 firmware 是設定成不能 flash, 這時候必須要先開啟 flash 功能。 執行 ./bootutil64e -NIC=3 -FLASHENABLE

Connection to QV driver failed - please reinstall it!

Intel(R) Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility
BootUtil version
Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Intel Corporation

Enabling boot ROM on port 3...Success

Reboot the system to enable the boot ROM on this port

Port Network Address Location Series  WOL Flash Firmware                Version
==== =============== ======== ======= === ============================= =======
  1   90E2BAB1EF88   218:00.0 10GbE   N/A FLASH Disabled
  2   90E2BAB1EF89   218:00.1 10GbE   N/A FLASH Disabled
  3   90E2BAB1F154    28:00.0 10GbE   N/A Reboot Required
  4   90E2BAB1F155    28:00.1 10GbE   N/A FLASH Disabled

接下來執行 ./bootutil64e -NIC=3 -BOOTENABLE=PXE,就可以打開網卡的 PXE 功能了:

Connection to QV driver failed - please reinstall it!

Intel(R) Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility
BootUtil version
Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Intel Corporation

Enabling boot ROM on port 1...Success

Reboot the system to enable the boot ROM on this port

Port Network Address Location Series  WOL Flash Firmware                Version
==== =============== ======== ======= === ============================= =======
  1   90E2BAB1EF88   218:00.0 10GbE   N/A FLASH Disabled
  2   90E2BAB1EF89   218:00.1 10GbE   N/A FLASH Disabled
  3   90E2BAB1F154    28:00.0 10GbE   N/A PXE                           2.1.40
  4   90E2BAB1F155    28:00.1 10GbE   N/A FLASH Disabled

完成, 並重開機驗證 PXE 是否正常啟動。